
soundProgram (windows)

  • description

  • Sound application performing audio capture and visualization with oscilloscope, fft, and vu-meter. Multithreaded, supports various sample rate..
    warning: soundcap is a far better program and is now available here

  • features

  • This is a project to perform audio capture under windows using Windows API waveform audio. It uses the waveIn functions : waveInOpen, waveInStart, waveInStop, waveInPrepareHeader, waveInUnprepareHeader, waveInAddBuffer..
    The program uses one thread to manage audio capture using thread callback method. One another thread is used to perform audio visualization using dibsection bitmaps or gdi lines. It can display the audio data like an oscilloscope, like a frequency analyser or like a vu-meter. FFT is performed using Don Cross original code but I'm not sure I'm doing it the right way :/ You can select between 8 bits and 16 bits mode, and 22.050 KHz and 44.100 KHz for the recorder.

  • version

  • Current version is 1.1a but not in real developpment. I need to work on the FFT, check for memory leaks and clean threads when exiting them, there are problems when launching and stoping too many times the recorder and the viewer.

    Change Log :
    1.1a : add WM_PAINT message for the viewer, fix end of program when device not usable

  • credits

  • FFT code by Don Cross and recorder model inspirating from Paul Cheffers.

  • downloads (v1.1a)

    1. program full source (MSVC6) + data : soundprogram source (105 Kbytes)

    2. program full binary : soundprogram binary (105 Kbytes)